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  • Istituto di BioRobotica

cooperation in research and innovation: SANT’ANNA school biorobotics institute AND PONTEDERA city council authority sign partnership agreement

Publication date: 17.02.2019
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Mobilizing and leveraging additional investments for research and innovation to secure economic sustainability and knowledge transfer from the Polo Tecnologico - Pontedera Research Centre to local communities. Building on Pontedera’s assets, the partnership agreement between Pontedera City Council and Sant’Anna School Biorobotics Institute involves local authorities, enterprises, academics and local communities to address the complex challenges of industrial clusters.

Economic, social and health issues, demand for innovative pathways. Researchers in new laboratories will develop technological applications to biomedicine. New solutions for medical device manufacturing will be used as a driver for the sustainable growth of Pontedera area, according to Simone Millozzi, Mayor of Pontedera, Christian Cipriani, Director of the Biorobotics Institute and Angela Pirri, Deputy Mayor of Pontedera for economic development.

“This partnership will improve our small and medium enterprises competitive position – said Simone Millozzi. The cooperation between the Biorobotics Institute and our companies plays an important role to create new market opportunities for local businesses and revitalise Pontedera as a leading city in the economic development”.

“This new research centre and the synergy with the Pontedera city council – said Christian Cipriani – will strengthen an effective and continuous knowledge transfer in new productive industrial activities as well as providing social and economic benefits”.

“I believe this partnership agreement would further enhance the position of the Valdera area in global markets”, said Angela Pirri.